Metairie Attorneys For Longshore Claims
Experienced Representation For Dock And Offshore Workers Injured On The Job
Workers' compensation does not cover people who work on the water. The Jones Act only covers people who work at sea. To bridge the gap, the federal government enacted the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act.
The LHWCA covers injuries that occur on the navigable waters and waterfronts of the United States in loading, unloading, repairing or building vessels. The Baton Rouge and Metairie attorneys of Schwartz Law Firm will fight for your benefits.
Insurance companies fight LHWCA claims tooth and nail. Call 504-837-2263 (toll-free) to get our experienced lawyers on your side.
Why You Need An LHWCA Lawyer
Unlike a workers' compensation case where benefits usually last for 10 years, the worker is entitled to LHWCA benefits for life. This makes LHWCA actions extremely valuable and explains the insurance companies' resistance.
They will fight jurisdiction, argue that the injury was not work-related, or claim that it is actually a pre-existing condition. Even if your claim is accepted, they may try to shortchange your entitled benefits or terminate your claim as soon as possible.
There are entire law firms dedicated to defeating Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act claims. Thus, a worker injured on the water needs an attorney who is highly experienced in LHWCA matters, such as the longshore claim lawyers of Schwartz Law Firm LLC. We have represented hundreds of Louisiana clients injured while working on docks, on wharfs, at warehouses, at shipyards and on offshore rigs.
Contact Us About Your Longshore/Harbor Worker Injury
Our attorneys have litigated many LHWCA cases. They are familiar with the specialized provisions and will not knuckle under to the insurance companies. They can guide you through the minefield of discovery proceedings and any issues that arise in the course of your claim.
Call our offices in Metairie or Baton Rouge, or contact us online. We offer a free consultation. You pay nothing unless we obtain compensation on your behalf.