There are many nuanced laws that lawyer need to know when handling an auto case. The policy limits, exclusions, overlapping coverage are a few issues that come up all the time. Lawyers also need a good investigator who can find out about other policies that may be our there that can change the value of the case.
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Aug 13, 2023 |
When the unexpected happens on the bustling streets of New Orleans and you find yourself involved in an auto accident, the complexities of navigating legal processes can add to the stress. In times like these, having a reliable legal partner by your side becomes essential. Schwartz Law Firm, loca...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Jul 30, 2023 |
When it comes to workplace injuries, the consequences can be severe, leaving individuals and families grappling with physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Fortunately, workers' compensation is designed to provide support to injured workers during these difficult times. In New Orleans, on...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Jun 22, 2023 |
Worker's compensation cases can be complex and overwhelming, leaving injured workers unsure of their rights and how to proceed. In such challenging times, having a trusted legal partner by your side becomes crucial. At Schwartz Law Firm in New Orleans, we understand the intricacies of worker's co...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | May 19, 2023 |
As someone who is interested in the welfare of workers in Louisiana, it is important to be aware of changes to the Workers' Compensation Law that will take effect in 2023. This law is designed to protect employees who are injured on the job, and it is essential for workers and employers to unders...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Apr 27, 2023 |
Understanding Louisiana's Fatal Accident Compensation: How Much Can You Recover?
As a Louisiana resident, it's essential to understand the state's laws regarding fatal accidents. Losing a loved one in a fatal accident is a traumatic experience, and it can be challenging to navigate through the l...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Apr 24, 2023 |
From Fender Bender to Lawsuit: How Schwartz Law Firm Can Guide You Through Your Auto Accident Case
Looking for legal assistance for your auto accident case in New Orleans, LA? Schwartz Law Firm can guide you from your fender bender to lawsuit, providing you with the expertise and assistance yo...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Mar 08, 2023 |
Orleans Parish residents who drive on I-10, Causeway Boulevard, Carrollton Avenue, Earhart Expressway, and other major intersections, including the High rise in New Orleans East, know the hazards of the road. Many times when people drive on these roads, they see cars parked on the side of the...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Mar 06, 2023 |
In 2024, several car insurance companies are revising their claim practices because of the inflation factors. Insurance companies are having to pay higher fees for parts and labor because of inflation and because body shops are having to pay more money to get parts to fix cars.
Because compani...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Feb 28, 2023 |
At the start of 2023, there has been changes in the workers' compensation court system. The workers' comp court system in Louisiana has two new judges. One is Denise Lee in Baton Rouge, and the other one is Heather Fairchild in St. Tammany and Jefferson Parish. Both of these judges were former ...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Feb 22, 2023 |
Many clients have questions regarding their workers' compensation cases when they can receive additional benefits. Some clients have paid for long-term disability benefits in addition to other benefits that the employer provides. If the long-term disability policy does not exclude workers' comp...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Feb 17, 2023 |
A lot of people involved in car accidents do not get cited with a ticket even though they are at fault. The fact that the other party did not get a ticket does not mean you do not have a claim against them.
Many times the police officer cannot make a determination of fault because of conflic...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Feb 13, 2023 |
If you are hurt on the river or you are involved in ship repair, you are covered under the Longshore Act. The Longshore Act is a federal workers' compensation program that is the best workers' compensation law in the United States. You have lifetime medical benefits and lifetime wage loss if yo...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Feb 07, 2023 |
When involved in a worker's compensation accident, many clients ask whether or not the employer has an obligation to hold their job while they are unable to work. That question is asked of me quite often, and the answer is no. There is no obligation for the employer to keep your job available...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Feb 03, 2023 |
In workers' compensation matters, many times the employer will request a drug test after an accident. Obviously, their intent is to deny a case based on an intoxication defense. Intoxication can take many forms. It can consist of alcohol, medications that are prescribed, medications that are ...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Jan 31, 2023 |
Louisiana residents need to know how to handle ahit and run situation. When a hit and run happens it is avery traumatic experience because the vehicle that collided with you vanished. If there are no cameras and there is no license plate that is immediately taking it's very difficult to loca...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Jan 23, 2023 |
Louisiana Residents who are injured on their job need to know this important information. There seems to be a correlation of problems when your employer in cash, does not give you a printed check stub and tells you he will pay your worker's compensation or car accident claim when it happened on...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Jan 17, 2023 |
Louisiana residents need to be careful when drivingon a two-lane highway. Although you may have anopportunity to pass, you have to look out for cars thatmay enter the roadway through various driveways, streetintersections, and parking lot intersections. Although you may take a quick glance a...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Jan 11, 2023 |
There is a difference between federal workers' comp and state workers' compensation cases. If you are hurt on a military site as a civilian, you are covered under the Defense Base Act. The Defense Base Act is a federal worker's compensation program that provides lifetime indemnity and lifetime ...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Jan 03, 2023 |
Livingston Parish residents need to know why their workers comp or auto accident case is taking so long. About 80% of the time why a case will take so long is simply because it was never reported timely or properly. Insurance companies upon receipt of a claim normally have an obligation to cont...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Dec 29, 2022 |
East Baton Rouge Parish residents need to know how to handle a car accident if you are hit from the rear in a chain reaction. Normally, there is one hit if you were hit from the rear in a car crash. However, sometimes there may be two hits or three hits. And that's where it gets tricky, and a...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Dec 22, 2022 |
Ascension Parish residence many times get in caraccidents and they do not agree with what the police report says. Many people ask Schwartz Law Firm what todo about that. Many people have questions if they got aticket and were cited at fault and they do not believe theywere at fault. Also, peopl...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Dec 15, 2022 |
This is Ascension Parish auto cases. Ascension Parish residence, and all residents of Louisiana need to know what information to give an insurance adjuster after an accident when they call. Normally, if you've been in an accident, the adjuster will generate a letter to you requesting backgrou...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Dec 07, 2022 |
St. James Parish residents need to know about economic loss, uninsured motorist coverage. Many times when your insurance agent sells you a auto policy, you have the right to reject uninsured motorist coverage. It is not mandatory in Louisiana to have uninsured motorist coverage. Normally, uni...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Nov 30, 2022 |
The residents of St. James Parish need to know about functional capacity evaluations when they're involved in a workers' compensation accident. If you are involved in a serious worker's compensation accident that will result in permanent restrictions, a functional capacities evaluation will n...
Posted by Christopher “Chris” Schwartz | Nov 22, 2022 |
Speaker 1:
St. Charles Parish residents often experience unsafe conditions on the road when driving. Many times people do not know when they make a right turn. They must turn in the closest turn lane and not move over the line if there are two or more lanes to turn into. The drivers on the m...