Ascension Parish residence many times get in caraccidents and they do not agree with what the police report says. Many people ask Schwartz Law Firm what todo about that. Many people have questions if they got aticket and were cited at fault and they do not believe theywere at fault. Also, people get upset when the other sidedoes not get a ticket when they were at fault.
These questions need to be addressed and there are certainlyways to handle this. Obviously, you can contest a ticketand go to traffic court, and most likely, you will be able to work out and reduced plea if there are not seriouscircumstances surrounding the accident or any criminalcharge like DUI, or negligent homicide, or something likethat. Aside from that, if it's a routine traffic accident withno alcohol indications and no serious bodily injury ordeath, the case may be reduced to a reduced charge.
However, there are times when police camera footage can berequested. Many police departments require policemen tohave body cam on them when they investigate anaccident. The body camera footage is in real time and youcan hear what people are saying about the cause of theaccident and if there were any witnesses. The camerafootage is usually not easily available, and usually, a lawfirm or private investigator will have to be hired to get thefootage, but the footage can be very important to provingfault if there is a comparative fault situation.
I recommend that if you are in an accident where there's noclear liability, contact a lawyer to see what avenues canbe taken to show who was truly at fault. Please call theSchwartz Law Firm today if you have any questions.
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